What is Trauma-informed Care Trauma-informed care is a set of practices, attitudes, and policies that understands and acknowledges the effects of trauma on children's development, behavior, learning experiences, and responses to interventions. It provides a foundation from which to approach prevention or treatment of trauma by recognizing how it may influence the lives of children from birth onward. In this post we will give you an overview of what can happen when a person has experienced trauma in their life. We will also cover the signs and symptoms associated with compassion fatigue in people who have spent large amounts of time working with traumatic people or events themselves. Trauma-informed care can be used to help children and adults who may have suffered trauma. Traumatic life events are defined in this post by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) as "unanticipated, emotionally charged, psychosocial crises that are beyond one’s control", which are often maladaptive. The 3 main types are: 1. Accidents & Near Accidents - The individual was temporarily injured or harmed, but not permanently. Examples of these include car accidents, falls while playing sports, serious medical emergencies, severe injuries while playing contact sports or violent crimes. 2. Physical Abuse – The individual was subject to a violent assault or was physically harmed due to a parent or another person. This type of trauma often results from an accident or near accident. 3. Sexual Assault – The individual was subjected to sexual violence, especially of a violent nature. In these cases, the perpetrator frequently uses force or threatens the victim with force. The impacts of traumatic life events on children and families are widely studied and documented by many researchers. Children who have experienced severe trauma have been found to have long-term difficulties in school, difficult relationships with peers, and impaired adjustment without proper support from parents and the community at large. The effects of trauma on children's development are life-long, and so is the impact of caregiving. One of the most important factors in this regard is compassion fatigue, which occurs when caregivers become overwhelmed by stress and depression. When this occurs, children can suffer because of less parentification, social isolation or neglect. Professionals may also develop compassion fatigue over time as they provide care to traumatized victims. This is also linked to the stress of living with current traumatic situations due to their unpredictability and lack of effective long-term solutions to problems that occur on a daily basis for families who live with them or who serve them for years on end. These affect the people who are in direct contact with the families in these situations, or who interact with them. (Note: there are many different affects of trauma on development. We will cover this briefly in this post to try to explain why traumatized children can be overlooked.) It is often stated that traumatic life events are "often unpredictable, generally outside one’s control, and frequently involve death, threat of death or serious injury." Traumatic life experiences manage to create lasting changes in the mind that can only be resolved through psychotherapy. Symptoms of trauma may lead to heightened stress levels for individuals affected by traumatic experiences, due to their exposure to traumatic events, causing psychological distress.
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